For Visiting Party enquiries please email pgc.golfmanager@gmail.com
Visitor Information
An original Tom Williamson and C K Cotton designed course • Established in 1932.
Postcode for Satellite Navigation is: S60 5PA
Dress Code
Applies to Golf Course and Practice Area
Acceptable Clothing
Smart Collared Shirts (Must be tucked into trousers or shorts at all times),
Caps and Visors (Peaks must be worn to the front), Tailored Shorts (May be
worn with knee length socks or any colour sports socks), Golf Shoes (must
be worn at all times).
Ladies Dress Code
Clothing appropriate for golf should be worn at all times
Shirts must have a collar but may be sleeveless with suitable neckline.
Shirts worn outside must be designed for that purpose and at hip length
Trousers/ shorts/ skirts/ shorts should be appropriate for golf.
Denim jeans and camouflage style trousers are inappropriate.
Equipment Hire per round
Ride on Buggies (Carts) £25
Pull Trolleys £3
Power Trolleys £5
Contact Details
Tel: 01709 382624
Email: pgc.golfmanager@gmail.com